Dear Miracle Ride Riders,
I want to give everyone a “heads-up!” The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) has generously agreed to be one of the Miracle Ride’s largest Primary Sponsors for this year’s Miracle Ride!
The Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) is responsible for the “Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign and the "Get Legal. Get Licensed" campaign. One of the deadliest and most often committed - yet preventable - of crimes (impaired driving), has become a serious safety epidemic in our country.
As a Miracle Ride supporter and motorcycle enthusiast, your efforts to promote ICJI's "Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign will help reduce the number of drunk drivers on the roads and save lives. Raising public awareness will indeed make a difference.
By accepting the ICJI sponsorship to help Riley Kids, the Miracle Ride Foundation is committed to increasing community awareness of the dangers of drunk driving.
The ICJI and the Miracle Ride Foundation want to help Riley Hospital for Children save lives but we also want to help save motorcycle riders' lives too.