2021 Miracle Ride Poker Runs (TENTATIVE) Due to the virus outbreak, these routes may change. We will update this website as changes occur.

Poker Run Rules & Conditions Logo | Poker Run | Miracle Ride Foundation, Inc.
  • Pre-register online/mail or register in person at the poker run of your choice 9-11 am, 8-10 am Central (Maxim Power Sports, Merrillville, IN Run 3)
  • Each Poker Run will have one winner, based on the best 5-card hand Saturday night at the end of the runs. Donate $50 and play one hand. Donate $150 or more and play 2 hands! Donate $500 or more and play 3 hands!
  • All poker run passports must be stamped at each stop to draw your hand(s).
  • Each Run's winner will play a live 5 card stud poker playoff game for cash prizes! Total payout in the poker games $1,350!!
  • Must be present to win.
  • Children not eligible for Poker Run prizes.
  • You must be at the Miracle Ride Tent 111 N. Lynhurst Dr, Indianapolis, IN (8 Second Saloon lot) before 6:00 pm EDT (5:00 Central)- no exceptions.
  • Must have a valid driver's license to participate.
  • Route sheets are available at each start and are a suggested way to reach each stop. Poker runs are not escorted. Riders are responsible for making their own route choices. Please ride safely and within the law. Ride sober or get pulled over. Festival License # 012371.

For each poker run there is one Game Stop where you can compete at games for your chance to draw 2 extra cards!

Poker Run 1 Bloomington-H-D of Bloomington 812-333-8300

START: Harley-Davidson® of Bloomington / 522 W Gourley Pike, Bloomington, IN 47404 / 812-333-8300 / indianaharley.com

STOPS: Tom Wood Outdoor Equipment / 1910 Morton Ave, Martinsville, IN 46151 / 317-584-3042 / tomwoodoutdoorequipmentsouth.com Mann's Harley-Davidson® / 3250 West Market Place DR. Edinburgh, IN 46124 / 812-526-3485 / mannsharleydavidson.com Indianapolis Southside Harley-Davidson® / 4930 Southport Crossing Pl, Indianapolis, IN 46237 / 317-885-5180 / southsideharley.com

GAME STOP: IndyWest Harley-Davidson® / 6201 Cambridge Way | Plainfield, IN 46168 / 317-279-0062 / indywesthd.com Indy Tattoo Works / 1031 N Girls School Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46214 / 317-244-8905 / indytattooworks.com Ends at Miracle Ride Tent at 8 Seconds Saloon / 143 N. Lynhurst Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46224 / 8secondssaloon.net

Poker Run 2 Muncie-Benson MC H-D of Muncie 765-288-1817

START: Benson MC, Harley-Davidson® of Muncie / 6410 W McGalliard Rd, Muncie, IN 47304 / 765-288-1817 / bensonmotorcycles.com


GAME STOP: Mursix Corporation / 2401 N Executive Park Rd, Yorktown, IN 47396 / 765-282-2221 / mursix.com Tom Wood Powersports / 3165 IN-9, Anderson, IN 46012 / 765-649-0111 / tomwoodpowersportsanderson.com Tom Wood Aviation / 9913 Willow View Rd, Fishers, IN 46038 / 317-688-6398 / tomwoodaviation.com Donato's Pizza / 1465 W 86th St, Indianapolis, IN 4626 / (317) 334-9100 / donatos.com Caliber Collision 751 Shadeland Ave / Indianapolis, IN 46219 / 317-454-7400 / calibercollision.com Ends at Miracle Ride Tent at 8 Seconds Saloon / 111 N. Lynhurst Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46224 / 8secondssaloon.net

Poker Run 3 Valparaiso Harley-Davidson 219-462-2223

START: Valparaiso Harley-Davidson / 1151 Morthland Dr., Valparaiso, IN 46385, IN 46410 / 219-462-2223 / hdvalpo.com

STOPS: Valparaiso Harley-Davidson (TENTATIVE) / 1151 Morthland Dr., Valparaiso, IN 46385 / 219-462-2223 / hdvalpo.com Curly’s Custom Bike and Hot Rod Shop / 328 Melton Road, Burns Harbor, IN 46304 / 219-364-1545 / curlysinc.com Maxim PowerSports / 5901 E 81st Ave, Merrillville, IN 46410 / 219-942-0548 / maximpowersports.com

GAME STOP: Kersting's Harley-Davidson® 8774 W 700 N, Winamac, IN 46996 / 574-896-2974 / kerstingscycle.com Indian Motorcycle of Lafayette / 1165 S Creasy Ln, Lafayette, IN 47905 / 765-449-7122 / indianmotorcycleoflafayette.com Ends at Miracle Ride Tent at 8 Seconds Saloon / 111 N. Lynhurst Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46224 / 8secondssaloon.net

Poker Run 4 Indy Southside Harley-Davidson 317-885-5180

START: Indianapolis Southside Harley-Davidson® / 4930 Southport Crossing Pl, Indianapolis, IN 46237 / 317-885-5180 / southsideharley.com

STOPS: Midwest Scooters / 3709 Madison Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46227 / 317-541-3700 / midwestscooters.com IndyWest Harley-Davidson® / 6201 Cambridge Way | Plainfield, IN 46168 / 317-279-0062 / indywesthd.com Krambo's Custom Paint / 248 US-40, Greencastle, IN 46135 / 765-672-4090 / instagram.com/krambos/ American Legion #331 / 636 East Main Street, Brownsburg, IN 46112 / 317-852-3200 / brownsburgpost331.org

GAME STOP: Kirby Risk Electrical Supply / 1440 W 16th St, Indianapolis, IN 46202 / 317-687-0015 / kirbyrisk.com Ends at Miracle Ride Tent at 8 Seconds Saloon / 111 N. Lynhurst Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46224 / 8secondssaloon.net

Poker Run 5 Wabash Brandt's Harley-Davidson® 260-563-6443

STARTS: Brandt's Harley-Davidson® / 1400 Cass St, Wabash, IN 46992 / 260-563-6443 / brandtsharley.com

STOPS: Tom Wood Aviation / 9913 Willow View Rd, Fishers, IN 46038 / 317-688-6398 / tomwoodaviation.com Blackburn & Green / 8202 Clearvista Pkwy, Indianapolis, IN 46256 / 260-422-4400 / blackburnandgreen.com

GAME STOP: Tom Wood Powersports / 3400 E 96th St, Indianapolis, IN 46240 / 317-688-6398 / tomwoodpowersportsindy.com Donato's Pizza / 7460 N. Shadeland Ave, Suite 600 Suite 600, Indianapolis, IN 46250 / (317) 578-8722 / donatos.com American Legion Post 470 / 9091 E. 126th Street, Fishers, IN 46038 / 317-842-5944 / legion470.org Ends at Miracle Ride Tent at 8 Seconds Saloon / 111 N. Lynhurst Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46224 / 8secondssaloon.net

Poker Run 6 Terre Haute American Legion #104 812-460-0370

STARTS: American Legion #104 / 2690 Fort Harrison Road, Terre Haute, IN 47804 / 812-460-0370 / ARLpost104

STOPS: American Legion #2 / 10 N. Depot Street, Brazil, IN 47834 / 812-442-6232 / ARLpost2 American Legion #281/ 501 South Main Street, Cloverdale, IN 46120 / 765-795-3472 / Cloverdale American Legion Post American Legion #103 / 350 E. Main Street, Mooresville, IN 46158 / 317-834-1173 / americanlegionpost103.org

GAME STOP: American Legion #118 / 846 IN-39, Danville, IN 46112 / 317-745-4736 / Hendricks County Am. Legion #118 American Legion #331/ 636 East Main Street, Brownsburg, IN 46112 / 317-852-3200 / brownsburgpost331.org Ends at Miracle Ride Tent at 8 Seconds Saloon / 111 N. Lynhurst Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46224 / 8secondssaloon.net